[crypto] [eidma@TUE.nl: EIDMA Cryptography Working Group]

R. Hirschfeld ray@unipay.nl
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 19:36:16 +0100

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Subject: EIDMA Cryptography Working Group
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:56:56 +0100
From: "Secretariaat EIDMA" <eidma@TUE.nl>

EIDMA Cryptography Working Group 

Friday February 6, 2004 
Vergadercentrum La Vie - Utrecht 
Lange Viestraat 351 


10.45 - 11.30 hrs. 
Bert den Boer, (Rotterdam), 
Bitfunctions, Sboxes and even dimensions. 

11.30 - 11.45 hrs. Coffee / tea break. 

11.45 - 12.30 hrs. 
Jaap-Henk Hoepman, (KU Nijmegen, Department of Computer Science), 
The ephemeral pairing problem. 

Abstract: In wireless ad-hoc broadcast networks, the pairing problem
consists of establishing a (long-term) connection between two specific
physical nodes in the network that do not yet know each other. We
focus on the ephemeral version of this problem. Ephemeral pairings
occur, for example, when electronic business cards are exchanged
between two people that meet, or when one pays at a check-out using a
wireless wallet. This problem can, in more abstract terms, be phrased
as an ephemeral key exchange problem: given a low bandwidth authentic
(or private) communication channel between two nodes, and a high
bandwidth broadcast channel, can we establish a high-entropy shared
secret session key between the two nodes without relying on any a
priori shared secret information. Apart from introducing this new
problem, we present several ephemeral key exchange protocols, both for
the case of authentic channels as well as for the case of private
channels. This paper will also be presented at the Financial
Cryptography 2004 Conference.

12.30 - 14.00 hrs.: Lunch break (lunch not included). 

14.00 - 14.45 hrs. 
Martijn Maas, (TU Eindhoven, Dept. of Math. & Comp. Sci.), 
Pairing-based cryptography. 

14.45 - 15.00 hrs.: Coffee / tea break. 

15.00 - 15.45 hrs. 
René Struik, (Certicom Research, Canada), 
Security for adhoc wireless networks. 

If you are interested in presenting a talk at one of the upcoming
cryptoworkgroups, you can send an e-mail to eidma@tue.nl. Please also
contact us in case you would like to receive all future announcements
of the Cryptography Working Group by e-mail
Dates of the seminar in 2004: 
February 6, April 2, October 1, December 3. 

Euler Institute for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB  Eindhoven
The Netherlands
telephone: +31-40-247 3121
telefax: +31-40 243 5810
e-mail: eidma@tue.nl
webpage: www.win.tue.nl/math/eidma

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