[crypto] [Serge.Fehr@cwi.nl: RISC@CWI : Craig Gentry (Stanford)]

R. Hirschfeld ray@unipay.nl
Mon, 5 Jun 2006 14:31:40 +0200

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Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:30:20 +0200
From: fehr <Serge.Fehr@cwi.nl>
Subject: RISC@CWI : Craig Gentry (Stanford)

Dear Colleague,

sorry for the short notice, but I would like to inform you that tomorrow Tuesday, 
June 6, there is a RISC seminar from 11.10 h until 12.00 h at *CWI* in room *Z009* 
with a talk by

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Craig Gentry (Stanford University)
*Practical Identity-Based Encryption Without Random Oracles*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope to see you then and there. 

Yours sincerely,

Ronald Cramer (CWI & Leiden University),
Serge Fehr (CWI) and
Eike Kiltz (CWI)
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