[crypto] [tanja at hyperelliptic.org: Live streaming ECC 2016]

R. Hirschfeld ray at unipay.nl
Mon Sep 5 12:50:38 CEST 2016

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Date: 5 Sep 2016 08:43:34 -0000
From: Tanja Lange <tanja at hyperelliptic.org>
Subject: Live streaming ECC 2016 

For those of you who couldn't make it to sunny Izmir there is a 
livestream of the talks at

Invited talks this year are

    Anja Becker, "Solving shortest and closest vector problems: The decomposition approach"
    Benjamin Smith, "Fast, uniform, and compact scalar multiplication for elliptic curves and genus 2 Jacobians with applications to signature schemes" and "œô§¼Kummer: efficient hyperelliptic signatures and key exchange on microcontrollers"
    Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, "Fast arithmetic on Hessian curves"
    Emmanuel Fouotsa, "Faster Ate pairing computation on Selmer's model of elliptic curves"
    Gora Adj, "Discrete logarithms in the cryptographically-interesting field GF(3^{6*509})"
    Jens Groth, "On the Size of Pairing-based Non-interactive Arguments"
    Maike Massierer, "Counting points on geometrically hyperelliptic curves of genus three"
    Mehmet Sabϙʄr Kiraz, "Pairings and Cloud Security"
    Pascal Sasdrich, "Implementing Curve25519 for Side-Channel--Protected Elliptic Curve Cryptography"
    Razvan Barbulescu, "Extended Tower Number Field Sieve: A New Complexity for Medium Prime Case"
    Ruben Niederhagen, "Faster discrete logarithms on FPGAs"
    Sebastian Kochinke, "Computing discrete logarithms with special linear systems"
    Shashank Singh, "A General Polynomial Selection Method and New Asymptotic Complexities for the Tower Number Field Sieve Algorithm"
    Shoukat Ali, "A new algorithm for residue multiplication modulo $2^{521}-1$"
    Tung Chou, "The Simplest Protocol for Oblivious Transfer" and "Sandy2x: new Curve25519 speed records"

For more information, see the ECC 20116 page at
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